Death Thrash Metal Terrorists from the bavarian wastelands!!!
Get in contact!! We are also looking for shows (closer area, talking about Munich etc.,
wider surroundings, Germany in general and maybe close countries) to get out and PLAY nasty riffs and fierce
songs (and drink some beers with you, too)!! Skål, cheers & Prost!!
Our album IRON FIRES has just been released! Blood and sweat forged this one, available physically on CD
and also (meanwhile hopefully) on all relevant and irrelevant streaming-platforms - you know their names.

Album "Iron Fires" - released 12-2023

EP "Rise King Death" - released 06-2021
... still available! ...
STITCHING IRON FORCE: "Very raw, raging old school headbanging music, well played with killer guitar parts, heavy bass-drums and guttural screaming vocal parts that suits"
CANADIAN ASSAULT: "...these demons play old school death metal mixed with the heart of dark ‘80s thrash metal to the bone and I am stoked about that. This trio draws inspiration from some of that amazing early ‘90s Swedish dm, a little of that punishing ‘ole Australian barbarity from the same time period, and a solid dose of early pounding Floridian death metal..."
STAGE REPTILES: "Dogma Omega liefern ein absolut starkes, solides Debüt ab, das ganz viel Lust auf mehr macht."
METALGLORY.COM: "…Ein räudiger Bastard aus Death und Thrash Metal – Oldschool as f**k und verdammt grandios!…“
CROSSFIRE-METAL.DE: "...Geboten wird Old School Death Metal, der sowohl den schwedischen als auch den amerikanischen Stil gekonnt verbindet..."
HELLFIRE-MAGAIN.DE: "..Fazit: Umhüllt im Retrogewand, ballern mir die Oberbayern kurz aber knackig, todesmetallisch die Ohren frei!"
This armor is still (not a lot left) available now for 15€ (postage not included) - we made a tight calculation so definitely no rip-off!!
Superb Gildan heavy cotton-quality and good print! No shop! Just get in
touch via email to